Thursday 20 March 2014

Ripped on the road Codes of quality Nutrition

Nutrition on the road

Don't be a moth!

instead be the lone wolf!

The moth simply reacts without any plan or goal and is drawn into the lights (such as the lights of the service station) regardless whether that light will lead it further down its path or not.

The wolf however doesn't have to run with the pack, the wolf knows what it needs to do, it picks its target and relentlessly and meticulously chases it down with a ferocious laser like focus!

Be the wolf!

"Be the wolf"

1) Be prepared  - cook once eat twice - or more, if your food is already prepared your choices for that day are already made based on a predetermined outcome. my next blog will be my "go to" foods for staying prepared and keeping things simple.

2) Have a back up plan - what do you do when your'e faced with the business buffet, don't make time to prepare your food?? learn to make the best of bad situations. 

"WOLF lunch"  
On a recent trip to LA this was my back up plan

"mmmm", shopping hungry can very easily lead me here!!!

3) Don't shop hungry - and you won't if you have followed number 1 and 2! Understand that your thought process and the choices you make are drastically different when your are hungry! if you enter that supermarket like Hank your nose will very quickly lead you to the sweets and bakery section.

4) Stay hydrated - this is one of the fundamentals you should begin to practice in creating good habits, get yourself a good quality water bottle and religiously hit a target amount of H20. But how much i hear you ask? use this as a general rule,   

                                                                                                                          Body weight in lbs divide by 2 plus 20% = how many ounces per day you should consume, take this number and divide up over the course of a day. 

If your not used to consuming this much water i suggest slowly increasing your current intake every few days over a period of a couple of weeks until you hit your ideal hydration level, you will be a bathroom regular while your body adjusts, but it will, trust me, and you'll thank me for it.

Ensure your bottle is BPA free don't re-use bottles and if your filling your bottle up from a tap make sure you get your self a filtered bottle, like one from watertogo. You really don't want to be chugging down all that water and at the same time absorbing a plethora of chemical toxins daily on a regular basis from the plastic bottles that release it into your water or a host of other chemical toxins and hormones that are present in our tap waters, a more in depth look at this another time.

there's a few golden nuggets for you to take away for the time being, so in the mean time just pick one and start making habits, don't sweat the details, just sweat! take it easy, stay classy, stay Ripped!


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