Thursday 10 April 2014

The shadow of the mountain

It would be a lot simpler, would require a lot less planning, less effort just to be carried to the top of the mountain,  in a nice luxurious helicopter,  just think of the views,  you could be up and down in minutes and on to the next peak.

You could lie in wait for your lift to arrive, float up to the summit, jump out take a selfie and stick it on Instagram.

You might have hit a destination....But would you not be missing something.....

is easy the best route?

how much does taking the easy Road benefit us as human beings, I understand that it is a human perogative to find the easiest way, that is part of what makes us so successful, the ability to think around a problem and adapt.

Though In the Journey lies the lessons,  the little things, the details.

If you were to simply jump straight to the summit, you would miss the lessons it would teach you and the ability to improve your self.

Getting to the top of a mountain whether it is ben nevis or the eiger or even the proverbial mountainous pile of paper work still provides a lesson each and every time it is conquerd.

Climbing the mountain doesn't just provide you with a view!

You have just learned the lesson of tackling a monstrous task,  one that on the face of it may look impossible,  but you broke it down in to tiny little pieces, you couldn't skip the process,  you learned the art of coping mentally with a great task! Taking each tiny step as you go.  focused on the very specific task laid out in front you, quite simply where you place your foot!

But you also got to appreciate a bigger picture. There's never, nothing going on, there is always another story running alongside your own in the library of the universe.

as you place your foot on the path left by the people and animals who have tread the same route you watch a bee as it dances around in search for the flowers amongst the blueberries on the hill side and realise your paths are not so different after all and you take a lesson from the bee.

For you must practice the art of patience, sticking to your task, like the bee until it finds it's flower,  as nature acts never in haste.

That does not mean sit and wait for divine intervention,  but appreciate your journey and more importantly keep moving forward. 

That mountain could be real or a it could be a metaphor for something even greater. reaching a goal in life whatever that may be,  business, body, whatever...

There's no easy way out!


Yeah I just referenced rocky....

The easy way out would be to simply sit there in the beckoning silence and admire your mountain as it sits there and casts it's Imposing shadow over you!

You could turn your back on the mountain, maybe for a while the shadow cast may subside and leave you in the warmth.

But the mountain is still there and is waiting to be conquerd and will always be there. until you begin taking those first intimidating steps out of your comfort zone towards the mountain. You won't experience your potential until you start Climbing!

So start Climbing!

What is your mountain? Maybe it is a mountain,  maybe it's a promotion,  to start a new business, to become healthier, get ripped, spend more time with family or break a world record or even defeat Ivan drago.

They all require many steps to create a journey, to reach the destination,  some steps on your path may hurt, you might find a boulder sitting in your path but you don't turn back you find the solution.

But of course it's easier to sit there check Facebook or Instagram instead of reaching For the summit.

Fear is the first hurdle to overcome,  but identify the fear, do you fear the failure,  I think we all do,  I know I do.

but be safe in the knowledge that if you never take the shot you have 100% already failed.

Do not fear feeling afraid, it is how we choose to act in the presence of fear that will define us, we cannot control our emotions but we can control how we react to them.

Fail once, fail twice but whatever you do fail in style!

So fear giving in not failing! Just imagine what you could experience on your journey even if you do fail!

Humans have made it to the summit of everest!  Humans have propelled ourselves off of our own planet!  Just imagine what YOU are capable of on it!

Shoot for the stars! You'll at least have a blast doing it.

Don't do what you’ve always done and expect different results.

Create new habits to break the old ones that keep you in your comfort zone!

It's a hard thing to Recognise when you’re doing the easy thing, you get comfortable in the shadow of the mountain and happy with average. Instead do the opposite.

turn around, face the mountain and start walking!

Keep moving forward!

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