Thursday 10 July 2014

Fibre optimised!

Fibre optimised

"Powerful agents for the uninitiated,  but we are initiated aren't we!"

Gets Fibre, lacks vitamin d

Just a little bit of roughage here for you to chow down on.

Whats so great about fibre?

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Tryglicerides
  • Cholesterol
  • helps to de-detoxify the body
  • Improves the ability to burn fat!

It does this in a few different ways;

  • Fibre slows things down, it slows gut emptying.

  • Fibre subdues the hunger hormone "ghrelin" that communicates to your brain the need to go "EAT".

  • Fibre helps improve gastrointestinal health, thus reducing the risk of heart disease, colon cancer, and diabetes. 

  • Did you know the gut is know as your 2nd brain?! it literally has its own independent nervous system. fibre plays a vital role in improving the environment for the microbiome in your gut, studies show that the microbiome can influence neural development, brain chemistry, emotions, pain, behavior and how you deal with stress!

A healthy gut literally makes a healthy brain, and a healthy brain literally makes a healthy body.

well, now you can.

  • Fibre can also bind to toxins, estrogens and xenoestrogens  in the digestive tract so they can be excreted. We absorb these chemical estrogen's from our environment and also in products such as plastic bottles, a host of cosmetics and food, such as from animals and plants that have been treated with hormones. Fibres ability to help us metabolize estrogen properly not only helps us improve body composition but reduces the risk of prostate and breast cancer.

Fibre-rich foods you can eat every day

  • Nuts and seeds.
  • leafy green vegetables.
  • legumes, beans and pulses.
  • Strawberries, blueberries kiwis etc
  • Choose Homemade fruit smoothies over shop bought. You'll get a whack of fibre and lot less sugar than the shop bought variety that has been highly processed leaving a super high sugar content and a super low fibre content, make your own! Or preferably just eat your fruit.
  • Avocados (which is a fruit by the way) are loaded with fibre.
  • fibre supplements are a great addition like flax seeds that are also high in protein and a great source of omega 3's, are great to add to shakes, combine with Greek yogurt which will be like treating those microbiome in your gut to a spar day with the probiotics that come from the yogurt, add it to salads and even use in cooking. 

how much fiber?

nowadays the average fiber intake is pretty poor, somewhere between 5 and 14 grams when you look at our paleolithic ancestors would consume up to 60 grams or more per day. obviously this is down to the changes in the modern day diet of highly processed man made food like products.

aim for a minimun of 20grams per day at least but closer to 40 - 50 ideally. A diet that largely includes the use of whole foods such as from the above list, along side a good fiber supplement  will go along way to improve your fiber consumption, and your health and fat loss goals.

What did you have for breakfast?

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